Rolls-Royce Ombre d’Argent

A FEW years ago I bought a 1965 R-R sales booklet in a UK flea market and I have at last got around to reading it (and with the utmost difficulty, as you will see). I was a bit startled to discover that I’ve been driving a Rolls-Royce Ombre d’Argent all these years.

Yes indeed, that’s the name the French language brochure gives to the Silver Shadow.

“Les nouvelles automobiles Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow (Ombre d’Argent) et Bentley, Série T, on été présentées apres bien des anées de mise au point continue par les engénieurs de Rolls-Royce, en accordant à tout les détails de méticuleuse attention qui fait partie de la tradition de la Campagnie.”

I couldn’t have put it better myself. Later we read:

Silver Shadow 1 owners will also be pleased to know the following:

1091 litres is a lot of carburant. The brochure accidentally omits the decimal point! It surely should have been printed as 109,1 litres. (The French use a comma as a decimal point!)

I did once fill my own Ombre d’Argent from near empty to full, and I am sure it held a lot less than 1091 litres of carburant!
I wonder in how many languages this particular Silver Shadow brochure was printed back in 1965? Russian, Arabic, Mandarin, Tagalog…?